Who"s WOODY?

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West Hollywood, CA
28 year-old Emmy Nominated TV Producer, Freelance Editor-at-large, Club promoter, Award winning writer, PR Guru, On-Air Radio Talent, Host. & Event Producer...Not just your average gay. To contact, email me at: woodywoodbeck@mac.com

Monday, October 10, 2005

Come out

Today is National Coming Out Day!
So for all those out; stand proud
All of those yet to come out, know its okay to be you...
And for all of you who aren't gay...Show your support and stand tall and proud as a Straight Advocate of Gay Rights...We need you in our fight for Civil rights--so thank you from all of us.

I stand tall today
Making a difference
My voice
Just as powerful as yours
Use it
You Can
You have to
Just do it
Thanks guys, for everything, my gay and straight friends...
Im proud to have you! :O)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Straight Advocate baby :)