Who"s WOODY?

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West Hollywood, CA
28 year-old Emmy Nominated TV Producer, Freelance Editor-at-large, Club promoter, Award winning writer, PR Guru, On-Air Radio Talent, Host. & Event Producer...Not just your average gay. To contact, email me at: woodywoodbeck@mac.com

Sunday, June 12, 2005


After attending the GLAAD Media Awards this weekend and seeing all those couples I tend to wonder where it is for me...I mean have I not been patient? Do I not get to feel that intimacy that they do? Do I not deserve someone special in my life? In a society based around appearence, most relationships are based off that instant attraction. Yes, I do agree there has to be a physical something that brings you into that person, BUT is there a need for it to be based around it, why is it most everything we do when searching for MR or MS Right consist of us being so stereotypical and ONLY being into someone for there body or there looks. Lets take that next step right off the bat and realize that shit, only is nice in the beginning if you WANT something to work and if you WANT something to last its gotta be about more, theres gotta be more that keeps you sucked into that person, Ive heard over and over again that Ill find someone when I least expect it and that I cant go out looking for it. Well ya no what, Im not looking for it but Id like it to come to me, I have alot to offer, dont I. I take care of myself, Im smart, funny, successfull, well driven, and a joy to be around hahaha god this sounds so desperate and pertenscious, but YOU get what Im saying.
My point to this ramble is this fellas...Why not take a chance? Take that giant leap out of the usual perverbiale box and do what we wanna do instead of what society says what we should do. I dont mind waiting for Mr Right because I know when I do find him, it will be well worth it.

So wherever you maybe, Im waiting. Open Armed. The love I dream of. Chills run over. Butterflies surface. And. I Smile.

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