Who"s WOODY?

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West Hollywood, CA
28 year-old Emmy Nominated TV Producer, Freelance Editor-at-large, Club promoter, Award winning writer, PR Guru, On-Air Radio Talent, Host. & Event Producer...Not just your average gay. To contact, email me at: woodywoodbeck@mac.com

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Do you ever randomly GOOGLE yourself to see what comes up!? Okay, I hate to admit it but I have like once, or twice, or three times; oh whatever, who cares how many times I've done it! I randomly came across this online and found it so funny I had to share. This website -- WWW.EdgeLosAngeles.COM -- highlighted my birthday party @ DESTINATION @ HERE LOUNGE on their homepage. Ahh my mom would be so proud! HA! :-)

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