Who"s WOODY?

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West Hollywood, CA
28 year-old Emmy Nominated TV Producer, Freelance Editor-at-large, Club promoter, Award winning writer, PR Guru, On-Air Radio Talent, Host. & Event Producer...Not just your average gay. To contact, email me at: woodywoodbeck@mac.com

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Thank you

Responses about the article...
Many, many, many thanks to all of you...

You are one of those special people put on this earth to ensure happiness...with your new ventures out there, you will be very successful and people will want to be around you! -PL

Great Film!! I wish I had a church like that!! Its moving!! Made me cry it was so good. you are an awesome person. A role model for all GLBT people. Thanks for sharing that.

A Really Nice Job On Your Video. Well Presented.

Great work!! I am glad to hear you sound so happy
Continued success and happiness.
Mr. Q, Papa Fred

Woody I'm so proud of you!!!! :)
You are such a great leader.I love these emails I get from you
telling me to support Glaad and raising all these important issues and
bringing them to our attention. Thanks!

I really enjoyed your film. It was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Thinking about all the people that go to that church that may feel they are unwelcome in that setting, it is great to know there is place for everyone to get together and feel loved. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I saw the link on Rosie's blog

Congrats Woody! I am so proud to know you!!!!!

I am so proud of you boo boo...you still impress me with all the amazing things you continue to accomplish. You are such a great role model. -adri


Congratulations! It looks great! - Brian

MANY THANKS AGAIN! You guys make the things I do that much more worth it...
I am made up by each of you, and you all own a piece of me!
Thanks again...
One voice at a time, One heart at a time!

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