Who"s WOODY?

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West Hollywood, CA
28 year-old Emmy Nominated TV Producer, Freelance Editor-at-large, Club promoter, Award winning writer, PR Guru, On-Air Radio Talent, Host. & Event Producer...Not just your average gay. To contact, email me at: woodywoodbeck@mac.com

Monday, July 03, 2006


As a kid, I think my 1st man on man crush was Christopher Reeve as SUPERMAN; strong hearted and willed, sweet, sexy, and oh so dorky; all things that a superhero should be. Christopher just brought to life this super character above and beyond anything a viewer could imagine. He made me believe maybe one day I could fly....now many years later Brandon Routh, the new SUPERMAN, has done just that as well. Not only was I blown away by the amazing special effects, the moving and very deep story, the decent acting, and of course Bryan Singers GENIUS performance as a director; he has done it, he has brought my hero back to life. It may sound cheesy but I found myself so into it and so moved by the story, I almost cried several times and actually cried towards the end....SUPERMAN has definitely returned. Please, do yourself a favor, get to the movie theatre...and see this movie!!

1 comment:

KG said...

Brandon Routh is such a beautiful specimen of mankind. Is there anyway I could order one for myself?